
Back in the day, asbestos was quite popular as it was fire-resistant, lightweight, and cheap. However, since the 1970s, government agencies have halted production of materials made of asbestos due to the health and environmental risks posed. Today, although asbestos isn’t used much in the industry, it remains in many older homes and buildings. In this blog, you’ll learn everything you need to know about asbestos and how to stay safe and healthy. What Does Asbestos Look Like? Asbestos is a group of minerals. It includes 6 different fibrous silic…

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As homeowners, we do our best to keep mold growth from appearing. Not only is mold harmful to our health, it’s also unpleasant to look at. Oftentimes, we focus on mold growth in areas of our home like the bathroom, kitchen and basement. However, we often forget about the laundry room. A laundry room is the perfect breeding ground for mold growth. It houses humidity, moisture, heat from the dryer and your soiled clothing. That said, although the laundry room can have mold presence, there are ways to prevent it. Preventing mold growth in your lau…

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Mold can grow in every area, including electronic equipment. As long as there is moisture, there is the chance of mold. Even if there is no moisture, however, a spore could remain dormant until moisture arrives. These spores are how mold reproduces. The mold particles are transported in the air which allows mold to get to the exterior and interior of a building. When mold reaches the interior of a building or home, it has the potential of infecting everything, including electronic equipment. When this happens, home or business owners may not no…

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Do you want to make your home mold-resistant? Complete mold-proofing of your home is impossible. There are always mold spores flying around in the air. Fortunately, you can take practical steps to reduce the risk that these spores find favorable growing conditions. A warm and humid environment is ideal for mold colonies to take hold, but mold in your home is both a health and aesthetic issue. Unchecked mold colonies carry significant health implications. As well, the mold growth itself is unsightly and may damage underlying surfaces. To help, w…

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Are you concerned about potentially getting sick due to mold in your property? When mold grows in your home, it doesn’t only ruin your property’s aesthetic, but it also poses serious and detrimental health risks. If you spot mold growing in your living space, the best thing to do is to stop it from spreading any further by quickly removing it. A quick removal will decrease the chances of the mold leading to medical symptoms. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms of mold sickness, examine different types of molds and determine how to rec…

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